Moving Essentials Box: Little Things You Need for a Big Move

Moving can be a stressful process, especially with so many individual tasks on your to-do list. But with a little preparation, you can make the process smoother and more hassle-free. One of the best ways to help you transition to your new home is to pack a moving essentials box. This is a box that—you guessed it—has all of your essentials, keeping everything close at hand for easy access when you arrive at your new home.


Don’t know what to pack in your moving essentials box? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive breakdown of every item you should add to your box. Let’s dive in!

What to Include in Your Moving Essentials Box

While the details of your moving essentials box will be unique to your needs, here's a list of all the types of items you should have available as soon as you get to your new home.

  • Toiletries—Everyone must use the bathroom, and your new place may not have essentials like toilet paper, towels, or hand soap. Don't forget other hygiene products like shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and shavers.

  • Clothes—You don't want to rifle through all of your packed clothes as you get settled. Instead, keep a few changes of clothes handy so you don't have to go searching for your favorite shirt.

  • Documents—Ideally, your important documents (e.g. social security card, birth certificate, etc.) will already be in a secure container, but now is the best time to consolidate them if necessary. Also, don't forget other crucial items like your passport, driver's license, and even utility bills or contracts.

  • Chargers and Batteries—Your phone is likely an essential part of your life, and you need to keep it charged. Having chargers handy helps you stay connected while moving into a new home. Batteries can also help with remotes, toys, and other devices you may need immediately.

  • Cleaning Supplies—While new construction homes are pretty clean already (we can’t say the same for pre-owned homes), there are likely some spots that need extra attention. Plus, what happens if you make a mess while moving?

  • Food and Snacks—It'll likely take a while before you’re ready to cook in your kitchen (where did you put the frying pan again?). Until then, you should have ready-to-eat foods and snacks handy. It also doesn’t hurt to research where the closest take-out restaurant is to your new home.

  • First Aid Kit—Accidents can happen while moving furniture and boxes into your new place. You don't want to have to scramble to find a bandage or alcohol wipe when someone gets hurt.

  • Tool Kit—Are you mounting your TV to the wall? What about furniture assembly? A tool kit, even a simple one, enables you to stay on track and get your big pieces installed that much faster.

Packing Tips for Your Moving Essentials Box

Creating a moving essentials box is one thing, but packing everything is another. Realistically, you'll need multiple boxes to hold everything, so here are some tips to keep everything organized and accessible.


Label Boxes for Easy Identification

A clear tote is ideal as a moving essentials box because you can see what's inside. However, it's also smart to have an itemized checklist of everything. This way, you can scan the list to ensure the box has what you need instead of rummaging through it.


Plan Ahead for Smooth Transitions

Since you'll need your moving essentials immediately, they should be within easy reach. This means packing them last on the moving truck or keeping them in your own vehicle. Otherwise, you'll have to unpack other items before reaching your essentials.


Additionally, as you're preparing your box, you should tackle other tasks to prepare for moving into a new build. These tasks can include setting up utilities, reserving moving equipment (or hiring movers), canceling or updating existing subscriptions and utilities, and registering your new address with the post office.


Put Liquids in Sealed Containers or Bags

One of the worst things is discovering that a liquid container has spilled or burst open in transit. To avoid this mess, double bag all liquids, including shampoos, cleaning supplies, and more. If necessary, label the bag or container so everyone knows what's inside.


Unpacking and Settling In

Moving into a new home involves more than just putting your furniture and boxes into your house. The settling-in process can take days, weeks, or even months, depending on the situation. If you have boxes designated for specific rooms (e.g. the bathroom), put them in there first. This way, even if you don't unpack the container immediately, everything you need is still at hand. Take your time, settle in, and make your house into a home.


A Moving Essentials Box Should Simplify Your Move 

Creating a moving essentials box can seem overwhelming at first, especially if you have a lot of stuff to take. However, remember that any item included in your moving essentials box should make your move easier. First aid kits, toiletries, and a few sets of clothes go a long way in keeping everything simple. However, be sure to ask yourself if the items you include in the box are necessary on day one, and if not, they can wait to be unpacked with the rest of your items.


When you’re ready to make your next move, explore our wide selection of properties found all over the US. We simplify and guide you through the homebuying process, so all that’s left to do is the “hard” part—moving in!

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